NFTBoxes: How will our March drop work?

4 min readMar 4, 2021


Jan box opened, Feb to open very soon!


Number of Boxes: 800
Price: 0.75 ETH
Number of unique wallets getting tickets: 780+
Tickets allow you to buy 1 box per ticket before opening up to everyone 2 hours later
Reservation system in place if you hold a ticket and don’t want to be around for the window

Dates if all go to plan:

10th March: Deploy box contract and mint mould and token, distribute token

10th — 18th: Tokens can be sold / traded / gifted
15th — 18th: Using a token and the sale price a box can be reserved to be purchased for you by the contract (no need to be there for sale)
19th: Sale Day

21:00 GMT, token holders only can buy one per ticket they have

22:30 GMT, reservation contract buys and distributes boxes for reserve's
23:00 GMT, token restriction is removed, anyone can buy

As you look around the NFT world you see a lot of places battling with the exact same issue as us. Bots are coming in and trying to buy as many of these high value NFTs as they can, so they can then flip them onto the customer base. Not only does this leave a lot of disappointed fans for each product, it is also killing the spirit of the community and funds available, as legitimate customers have to pay 2/3/4/5x, just to get what they were eagerly waiting for.

As already announced we will be battling this by moving to a ticket first system. A certain number of tickets will be distributed to our community via various means. For March we are focusing on those who have attempted to purchase a Feb 2021 box, holds either of our boxes or were active in our discord at the time of the drop. We know things didn’t run completely smoothly and we hope the experience will be very different for March.

On the 10th March we will create our box mould. This will allow us to mint our tickets at the same time. We will distribute these tickets to the collection of wallets mentioned above. I have been inundated with DMs over the past week or so with everyone reaching out — thank you very much, it was very useful. It was overwhelming to see the demand for people wanting to buy our March box. As I write this our list of wallets, at one box per wallet is over 780. So we will be upping the limit to 800. With the method we have this should be the most evenly distributed box we have ever seen, maybe the most evenly distributed NFT of this scale ever? (no research was done for this claim #plznosueme)

Once distributed, the tickets can be bought/sold and traded/gifted. Whoever holds a ticket at the time of the sale will be able to buy one box per ticket they hold. The box will still cost 0.75 ETH, the ticket does not lower this, it just allows you the “VIP” opportunity to buy a box before those without tickets. After two hours the tickets will no longer be needed and any remaining boxes can be bought without any ticket requirement.

We will also be offering a “reserve” type service. If you know you will not be around for the two hour drop window you will be able to send the box fee + a ticket to a predetermined contract (along with a gas fee). This contract will buy the required boxes somewhere around 1 hour and 45 mins into the 2 hour window and distribute them randomly as required. So by turning up at the drop time you will be able to get a better numbered box but you don’t have to be there to guarantee a box.

If you want to buy a box and get a better numbered serial you turn up in the two hour window (The closer to the start the better!) and buy your box with your ticket. If you don’t care too much for it and are happy to reserve a box to be bought and distributed by us then you can “buy” this at any point after the tickets for that month have been distributed. Remember that the contents of the box are fully randomized and the higher serial numbers can end up with the lower minted art pieces!

Each ticket will only be valid for that month. After the two hour window is over the ticket becomes essentially useless. The next month will see a completely new ticket used.

March will have 800 tickets minted and 800 boxes. That means anyone with a ticket can buy, 100% guaranteed if you are there in the 2 hour window or if you use the reservation contract (barring some kind of issue we have to fix of course!). I do not expect every ticket to be used at all. We will need a few months to get some good data on this so that we can adjust how we run things, right now we obviously hold 0 of this data.

I hope we have proven that we are committed to adapting to any issue that is thrown our way, if something new crops up, we will do what is needed to fix it for our community.

We are here to stay and we are committed to building something that lasts. If you think you have skills that can help us build something that can last, slide into my DMs on discord. We are currently taking a look at expanding the team to solidify our position.

And finally, a word from our dev:



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